Our Clients are Architects, Engineers, DOTs, Counties, Municipalities, Industry and Developers.
Through the years our firm has grown from three professionals with a transit, calculator, and drafting table to thirty people in three offices equipped with state-of-the-art design, computing, CAD, and GPS surveying capabilities. Time and technology has changed, but OJD still strives to grow in the same way that we started, by providing a full range of Professional Engineering Service of the highest quality.
We offer: AutoCADĀ® , MicroStation V8i, Drafting, Mapping, Platting, Graphics, Roadway design, Street Design, Rail, Traffic Studies, Bridge Design, Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Site Development, Site Civil, Recreation, Parks, Permitting, Surveying, Boundary, Construction, Design, Pipeline, Right-of-way, DOT, Mapping, Oil & Gas, Pipeline, Water Utilities, Sewer, Wastewater Treatment, Wells, RO, EDR, & Storage.